Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For some people in Asian, Tattoo still a taboo. This kind of thought came from the oldies where tattoos used to indicated a clan or a gang of mafia. Also, many of criminals or thugs when captured, the media like to take a shoot of their tattoo (so this became a kind of 'all bad guys have tattoo' thinking). If someone having a thought like this, then i wish to ask, do u call David Beckham or Angelina Jolie or Robbie William or any others idol a bad guy? if not, then u must know that they are some of tattooholic

Nowadays, tatoo have became a lifestyle. For me, this is an art. And also to show our own personality. Every tattoo have meanings. So, this isn't some of meaningless thing to done

One week ago, exactly at 5/10 I'd got my first tattoo. More than 2 years has past since my first will to get tattoo. Before, I had have some temporary tattoo, but because of my sensitive skin, it inflamed my skin. So i thought of having some permanent tattoo to cover the old flame.

I know that there many kind of reasons to not having tattoo carved on your body. Some of frequently people reasons and my own answer are:
1 Hard to find a job.
- What I want is be rated on my skill, not physics. Also, only a few job that not welcomed the tattoo people.
2 Family problem (how can you interdict your child to have tatoo later?)
- I've think I will be egoistic to have tattoo myself but forbid other to do the same
3 skin problem
-find yourself a good tatoo artist and also the new and sterile needle. then u need no to be worry
4 taboo
- again, I respect it as an art. Not a taboo or some old fashioned thought about it

Anyway, it done!!! thanks to Mr Febry, Wayan for the design and for Paul for the great work that fully completed by you guys!


Anonymous said...

try to tattoo 25bucks at ur penis, it has so 3 advantages :
1. you can see your money grow..

2. girl can blow as many money as they want.

3. that money will never leave your side.
you agree..?

wellen said...

gila bhs planet boooo....
pusink gw bacanya...

eh ur tatto ok....
but wad picture it is???
ga jelas....


-WinG- said...

lol... ya kaga lah. abstrak tuh. konsep awalnya, bawahnya shuriken dengan shading angin. atasnya dibuat tajam2 doank... truz dtribalin!! JADI DEH>>>